James Cameron DEEPSEA Challenge Update
From Mermaid Sapphire Captain's Log
DEEPSEA Challenger is in the Challenger DEEP with a DEEPSEA Challenge Rolex in Place
Wow!!! Is that a twist of words, or what!?!?!?! According to Captain Stuart Buckle's logs, the Mermaid Sapphire arrived in the Challenger Deep at 13:54 hours on March 20, and is currently standing by, and assessing weather conditions. The later log, on March 21st said they are preparing for transit to Ulithy Atol, and moving easily to moderate seas and swell. March 22nds log said "Pre-dive checks being carried out on DEEP SEA Challenger."
From what I understand, everything is in place and they are waiting for ideal sea conditions to begin the dive. For all we know, James Cameron could be descending right now in his DEEPSEA CHALLENGER!!! As soon as I know more I will let you know. How exciting is this!!!! Jacques-Yves Cousteau would be proud!!!!!!

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